Protein Sources

Protein not only is a macronutrient that helps aid in building muscle mass but a great way to gain satiety and help aid in weight loss. When picking meals look for different protein food items to build your plate. When choosing yogurts, look for Greek yogurt due to the higher protein content. If adding protein powder to shakes look for one that is over 20 grams of protein.

Tea Time!

Hey everyone! One of my friends asked me about teas so I’d thought I share! I drink this white tea. Most people talk about green teas which are great but white teas also have many benefits. They are packed with polyphenols, catechins and antioxidants. Of course you read it may lower your cholesterol levels, reduce risk of cancer etc … but in the seminar I went to in Miami there has been research that individuals who drank tea were at a healthier weight and retained better muscle mass. Tea is also a great low calorie drink substitute and no, I’m not talking about sweet tea! 😭

Stay Hydrated!

Driving back from South Caroline today I had to remind myself, keep drinking water! Our bodies are roughly composed of 60% water as adults. Therefore, women should drink about 9 cups of water a day and men about 13 cups! Water flushes out waste from our body and a vital nutrient to the life of every cell. Carry a tumbler or water bottle with you and keep refilling it. Activity factor and climate can affect the amount of water that should be consumed.

Happy 25 years to the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid!

Few tips about the med diet, eat lots of vegetables, eat smaller portions of meat, eat seafood twice a week examples like tuna, salmon, sardines which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, cook a vegetarian meal one night a week- build meals around beans, whole grains and veggies, use good fats like peanuts, avocados and olive oil, switch to whole grains and use fresh fruit as your dessert! This diet was based on the traditions of other countries which had the lowest rates of chronic disease. This lifestyle is linked with lower risk of heart disease.

Be Careful!

Just watched a webinar on gaining muscle mass for athletes especially high school athletes. Number one problem is most students are not eating breakfast… even if it’s something small please eat breakfast! Stay hydrated during the day and bring snacks with you. Most athletes are not eating enough calories and their performance will be hindered by under eating. So many people are concerned about pre work outs but what really needs to happen is making sure you are eating enough! Also, if you are trying to gain muscle mass for a sport like football, over activity and not enough calories will not increase muscle mass. Be careful with energy drinks, just sleep enough and eat enough and you will not need the energy drinks! 💪🏼